Xi’an Qujiang Futao International Ceramics Museum was grandly opened in Tang Paradise Tang Market on October 12, 2010 with the exhibition area of 1,600 square meters. Taking the communication and development of the ceramic art as the core, the company carries out multifunctional activities about ceramic art in all-around level in a manner of appreciation, participation, experience and interaction, which can provide visitors with the chance to understand ceramic art during observation and communication, so as to realize the deep spread and popularization of ceramic knowledge.

  The museum includes two exhibition areas, which are for permanent display and quarter display respectively.

Permanent display area mainly exhibits the excellent IAC ceramic works reflecting certain social phenomenon or social themes; quarter exhibition are conducted by quarter, and beautiful ceramic works of each nation or area shall be exhibited every quarter. The USA Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition was held on the opening day for celebrating the gallery’s opening, 67 ceramic art works from 20 ceramists of America were displayed, all of which are with the unique style, simple or rich lines and full of the modern taste.

  Taking the chance of culture development and base on the ceramic culture, Xi’an Qujiang Futao International Ceramics Museum aims to promote the development of modern ceramic art, foster and improve the culture and art awareness of the publics, popularize the ceramic arts through all-round international communication ways, so as to boost the mass communication of the culture and arts.


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现代陶艺-基本陈列作品...[ 2012-01-05 ]


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现代陶艺-基本陈列作品...[ 2011-12-30 ]
